Street Signs. Graffiti. Murals.

While I was planning the logistics of the project, my son Miles suggested that I take a photograph of the street sign at the beginning of each road to help me keep track of where each image was taken. We discussed more technological approaches, like geomapping (whatever that is), but I wanted to keep it low tech.

I’d never given much thought to street signs. Now they’re like little talismans on a prized charm bracelet. My all time favorite intersection in Santa Cruz County is the corner of Ice Cream Grade and Candy Lane. I also love Fiddlesticks Drive, Blue Gum Street. Milky Way, Harms Way, and Either Way. We have both a High Street and a Hi Street. There’s Squid Row and Mercedes Bend. Bobcat Lane, Cougar Rock Road, Bear Mountain, Deer Creek, Quail Crossing, and Hoot Owl Way.

There are street names with intimations to history, like tantalizing movie trailers, that leave me scrambling for more information: Toll House Road, Old Turnpike Road, Zayante Drive, Old Japanese Road, Sulphur Springs, Ohlone Trail. And more imperative names like Don’t Drive Road, Dead End Street and Private Road. At the base of No Name Road there’s a post with the family names of all its residents.

By my count, there are over 4,121 street in Santa Cruz County.